Thursday 1 September 2016

worst day

hari ni rase mcm teruk sangat. rasa mcm give up dgn ape yg aku dh decide

Wednesday 31 August 2016

the good dinosaurs....

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to our beloved lecturer, Sir Syahir and to all my fellow friends. Today I would like to share a wonderful movie that i have watched entitle 'The Good Dinosaurs'. It was directed by Peter Sohn under Pixar Animation Studios. The main characters of this movie are Henry who is Arlo's father by Jeffrey Wright, Ida who is Arlo's mother by Frances McDormand, Buck who is Arlo's brother by Ryan Teeple, Libby is Arlo's sister by Maleah Nipay, Arlo by Raymond Ochoa and Spot by Jack Bright. The other supporting characters are Tyrannosaurs and Pterosaurs.

This movie starts off with the introduction of Arlo's family. Here, Arlo was not brave or clever like his siblings because he was small, timid and frequently scared. Arlo's father built a silo to keep critters out of family food supply and marked it with his foot along together with his wife. he adviced that, 'you have to put a mark on the silo as shown as for how you have to work hard to make a mark in your life'. even his siblings earn their marks quickly, Arlo's fear keeps him from doing the same. Arlo's cowardly nature made his tasks difficult for him. In order to give Arlo a sense of purpose. Henry put him in charge of guarding their silo from pests and help to set up their traps. One day, a trap managed to capture the cave boy, Silo, but Arlo was too afraid to kill it and it ran freely. feeling disappointed, Henry forced Arlo to accompany him to catch the cave boy through a ravine but it begun to rain. After Arlo get injured by himself, Henry decided to turn back home as a flash flood occurred and a massive rapid appeared. Henry only managed Arlo before he is swept away and killed.

In this story, the conflict is happened when Arlo have to help his mother. Ida, to hervesting crops before snow without Henry. After spotting the cave boy inside the silo, Arlo chased him until both of them fell into a river while Arlo hit his head and is knocked unconscious. Spot constantly put Arlo in situations in which he had to take small steps to overcome his fear. Predatory Pterosaurs flew down in responded to Arlo's calling for help and direction. But, they then turned nasty and tried to catch Spot and eat him. However, Arlo and Spot ran into a family of Tyrannosaurs who beat off the Pterosaurs. He saw his father returning to free him home from the vines and took him home but he realized that his father was already dead.

Climax is happened when Arlo woke up from the visions and free himself from the vines and raced to rescue Spot. He finally found Spot hiding inside a dead tree from the middle of the river. He fought off with the Pterosaurs. The storm triggers a mudslide a flash flood. Arlo is more scared than ever, all his entire trauma came but he threw himself at the wall of rushing water just want to save Spot. Finally he got Spot in one piece.

Next, Arlo and Spot met a family of humans who seemed caring and want to adopt Spot. Arlo believed that this is the best way for Spot and he had to be brave enough to let of his friend with his new family eventough it will make him sad

At the end of the movie, Spot was adopted while Arlo returned home to his family. Arlo finally put his mark on the food silo as a proved that he has finally earned it.

(this is for my speech presentation tomorrow. pray for me pls :'))

Thursday 9 June 2016


Jumaat 10 Jun 2016

Dah sebulan lebih jugak la aku tipu diri sendiri. Yelahkan, siapa sangka orang yg sayang kita senang-senang je beralih arah. Hari-hari aku berdoa supaya Allah balas dengan apa yg kau dah buat kt aku. Aku dah penat tipu diri sendiri. Mata aku dah penat nak tengok benda-benda yang bahagia. Otak aku dah letih asyik pikir pasal kau. Siapalah kan aku ni. Selalu mengharap benda yang tak pasti.
Dan aku perlukan masa untuk move on. Untuk lupa semua benda yang kau pernah janjikan.....

Mungkin lepas ni aku kena terima orang yang hadir dalam hidup aku  selepas kau. Aku nak bina balik apa yg kau dah hancurkan... Mungkin susah, tapi aku cuba. Aku dah biasa macamni. Sekarang ni aku nak fokus belajar.. Aku cuba untuk sayang dia macamana aku sayang diri aku.

Dah tak tahu nak taip apa. Let time flies ):)

Monday 6 June 2016

rindu tak berbalas

rindu. itu yang aku mampu ungkapkan sepanjang aku bersama dia. sejak sama-sama confess akhir bulan tahun lepas, aku jujur aku rindu kt dia. terkadang rasa macam org gila, sebab tak pernah berjumpa face to face, tetiba jadi kesayangan. kadang rasa macam org gila, sebab aku setia menunggu wassap dari dia. siang. malam.

hati aku terdetik nak berdoa kat Tuhan supaya jodoh kita didekatkan. Yelah, setiap kali aku ajak berjumpa, dia hanya balas 'Jauh..susah nak jumpa..' Aku pelik juga sebab KL dengan Perak takdelah jauh mana. Sampai aku search sendiri kalau naik ktm ke KL berapa jam. Sebab rindu. Nak jumpa sangat-sangat masa tu.....

bila sehari tak wasap, aku cuba sabar dan husnudzon (sebab dia kerja).. aku tahu dia kerja, sebabtu aku jarang wasap dia dulu. sebab aku respect dia. tapi entah kenape aku rasa macam tak sedap hati. rasa macam ade yg tak kena.. sampaikan aku tanye orang kenape lelaki yg dah ade awek tapi jarang wasap. call lagi la. selama 6 tahun kenal, dia pernah call 2 kali. tapi aku sabar. setiap kesabaran itu ada kemanisan dia. pernah jugak tetiap malam aku menangis. sebab rindu.

saat tu jugak aku rasa tak puas hati. aku berdoa kat Tuhan, supaya bagi petunjuk kat aku. 6 May waktu tengahari, aku buka instagram, guna account (le_precious) . masatu aku tengah goreng ikan.. nak bagi kucing makan. memang aku buat dua account, sebab tu untuk business online aku. dalam masa yg sama, account tu untuk stalk dia. lagi pun aku dh block dia pakai account sendiri , dengan alasan (aku taknak dia tengok aku) takut nanti bosan. tapi lain jadinya.

aku terkejut beruk bila ada gambar sorang pompuan dengan caption 'gula-gula stroberi'. cantik orangnya. aku pikir-pikir, tu mungkin sedara dia kot? atau adik sepupu? tak cukup dengan husnudzon aku bukak gambar tagged, ada dua gambar perempuan tu. aku bengang. sebab dia tag dekat hati. what's that mean? aku baca comment, sweet sangat.... macam baru bercinta... sayang... awaa... emoji love....

aku rasa macam nak nangis je tapi masatu ade mak dengan abg. takkan aku nak menangis depan diorang hanya sebab lelaki? :( lepas tu aku nak dapatkan kepastian, aku wasap dia.. aku tanya.. kenapa buat mcam ni,....sedih sangat..

sebab awal-awal kita kapel, aku dah pesan baik-baik, kalau ade yang lain, bagitahu..aku tk marah.. disebabkan dia tak bagitahu.. aku marah dia. sampai hati dia buat macamni... dia dah lama berkawan dengan budak perempuan tu, tapi dia still nak kt aku. lelaki ni memang tk cukup sorang ke? susah ke nak setia?

lepas dia tahu yang aku tahu pasal perempuan tu, dia salah kan aku sebab tk hargai dia. dia jadikan alasan yang dia dah tunggu 6 tahun dan aku lambat terima dia. rasa macam bangang.......sangat...
aku menyesal kenal dia. aku menyesal terima dia.

dan dia pernah cakap.. raya ni dia nak datang rumah. masatu bulan 1.. dan dia post gambar perempuan tu kt instagram masa bulan 2... aku tak tahu kenapa dia buat mcamtu. dia juga ada cakap, 'dia takut kalau nanti aku tolak dia, yang ni tk dapat, yang tu ntah ke mana,' aku tak faham apa yang dia cakap, tapi apa yang aku tahu dia cuma bercinta sebab rupa.

macamana aku tahu? sebab friends dia kt social media ada banyak kawan perempuan. tak mustahil dia tak 'cuci mata' kan.. dan sekarang ni aku tengah dalam proses move on.

doakan semoga aku berjaya dan dijodohkan dengan jodoh yang baik. AMIN

Monday 3 August 2015


Assalamualaikum. since i cannot sleep now, i ended up by writing here. i dont know why, it was two days ago, i cant sleep :( and i am too sleepy when in lecture class. how to do :( First of all, i m gonaa say that my heart is di awang-awangan 😂 yelah, orang yg kita suka, suka kt kita jugak 😀 and i am a happy girl in the world 💞💞💞 tapi tu laa, aku ni kalau dh sayang, memang sayang sangat2. lagi pun dia suruh aku habis study (3 years more) and mase tu aku dah 23 😥 tuanya aku :(((( dia cakap lagi, lepas habes study, kalau aku masih sayang kt dia (inshaallah aku setia), so we will 👫👫🙏 satu je aku nak bagitau, mintak maaf sebab tk perasan kehadiran ko selama ni. aku berayukur sangat sebab aku akan tunggu kau 😊😊😊 I love you my capital G 💕💕💕